The Bottom Line on the initial install.

The estimate is in and its $2350 for the initial hookup minus the price of the four solar panels themselves.  For this price, my contractor will provide the following:

  • Renusol Racking and components for (4) modules (material only).
  • (4) Enphase M215 micro inverters and associated trunk cabling (material only).
  • (1) Double meter socket (100A rated) (material only).
  • (1) 250V, 30A Fused disconnect (material only).
  • Permitting costs and assistance with interconnection and possible incentives (material only).
  • Associated wire, conduit and material as necessary.
  • (24) Hours of onsite labor and technical assistance

I’m going to be tapped for most attic/garage work starting with an EMT conduit run from the attic POCO weatherhead to the lower left side of the array.  I’ll also be installing the Renusol Racking components themselves.

My contractor will put in the double meter socket, handle grounding requirements, pull wires and oversee any work that I do.  We will both install the panels themselves once they show up.

Speaking of panels, I’m vacillating between the Suniva OPT270 (ideal but scarce currently due to demand), OPT265 (contractor supplied at a decent price but also subject to availability) and Helios 265 Watt panels which are made locally right here in Milwaykee.  They have an open door policy so I’m thinking I’m going to drop by the factory and have a chat with them.  I can potentially save on substantial shipping costs with these guys if I can just purchase and pick up myself. The biggest issue may be finding four of them for a reasonable price.

Bottom line for the initial installation will come in between $3600 and $4000.  On the 18th we’ll go over the details.


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