Here I am on the 9th of November contemplating an election victory that handed congress, the presidency and soon the supreme court to the GOP. America looks like this to me currently:
- Dow Jones 18,300
- my retirement nest egg value: 340K
- Unemployment 4.9% as measured by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
- My income: middle tier along with 53% of adults having a 4 person family
- American boots-on-the-ground conflicts: 0
- Cost of Health Insurance: $656/mo for family includes 320/mo HSA contribution.
With the GOP in power, the bottom line is that I believe we can expect the following:
- repeal the ACA immediately.
- install conservative justice in Supreme Court
- dismantle clean air regulations and green initiatives
- rescind Obama’s executive orders
- nullify Rowe v. Wade within 2 years
I’m not sure what they will do on
- trade agreements
- replace the ACA (pretty sure nothing will get done here)
never gonna happen:
- build a wall and make Mexico pay for it
- bar Muslims from entering the country
- provide good jobs for all Americans
I’ll update this blog as time progresses….. stay tuned!